Thursday, January 21, 2010

Producers will be calling any second now...

Another reason to love Facebook. Yes, this conversation really happened. So here we go…

6:14 pm Andrew


i'm cutting out strips of paper

its fuuuuuuun

6:15 pm Seth

What conceivable purpose could that serve?

6:16 pm Andrew

i then tape it onto another piece of paper

that has txt on it

to try to make a perfect rag right paragraph


u'd have to come down and c it to understand what i'm talking about

6:17 pm Seth


6:17 pm Andrew

its for graphic design

6:18 pm Seth


that's why I'm not a graphic designist*

6:19 pm Andrew


designers have taken over the world btw

we control everything O_o

just by changin colors we can change the way you see a person or a product

a few lines and we can make u feel happy or enraged

6:20 pm Seth

I still think the mob is just a little higher on the foodchain

just a little

6:20 pm Andrew

I ... have... the ... POWER


6:20 pm Seth

I appeal to a higher court

6:20 pm Andrew

there is non...

no god... because... we designed what he looked like

6:21 pm Seth

No, chthulhu.

or azathoth

6:21 pm Andrew

we designed him too

him to

6:21 pm Seth

nope. to look upon his true form would cause your puny human brain to implode

6:22 pm Andrew


if u think about it though... graphic design has a huge effect on the world around us

6:22 pm Seth

Nuclear bombs sneer at graphic design

6:22 pm Andrew

almost every revolution in Europe was started or influenced by artists/designers

6:23 pm Seth

Now mad science, that's art.

6:23pm Andrew


i will steal your hot daughter**

6:24 pm Seth

But secretly she's a robot simulacrum with a bomb inside.

The real one's on the other side of the world

6:24 pm Andrew

i am on the other side of the world

6:25 pm Seth

no, you only think you are do to my mind manipulator ray

6:25 pm Andrew

you only think u used a mind manipulator ray because i used on on you first


6:26 pm Seth

That was a robot simulacrum

6:26 pm Andrew

thats what you think

because thats what i wanted you to think

6:27 pm Seth

Ha, you still don't understand. Using my technological prowess I have transcended my frail fleshy frame and become an energy being, a veritable god. Of mad science to boot.

6:27 pm Andrew

i pulled your plug

and transfared you brain into the body of a goldfish

named klaus

and gave u a german accent

6:29 pm Seth

Impossible, I foresaw your pathetic ploy and traveled back in time and destroyed you before you were born.

6:29 pm Andrew

forseeing that i drugged you while u were asleep and plugged you into a matrix like world

where i contol everything

including the lady in the red dress

who happens to be your daughter

6:30 pm Seth

Being an energy being I escaped with ease and created multiple levels of virtual reality from which you can never escape

6:31 pm Andrew

except ur not an energy being... i thwarted your plan and erased your memroy. placing only the disillusion that u had succeded

6:34 pm Seth

That is until an army of alternate reality me's teleport into your base, rescue me, drug you into unconsciousness, and then cremate the entire universe in which you exist.

6:36 pm Andrew

except I knowing the answer to life (its 42 in case you want to know), and thus the answer to everything transend physical needs. thus ur alternate you's just piss me off and I crush their skulls with the force. thus leaving you still plugged into the matrix, where your a fish, who believes hes a god, who thinks hes escaped a padded cell

i win

face it

6:38 pm Seth

Wrongo. It turns out that 42 was never the answer (it was 43) and you meddled in forces you could never control. The sheer backlash of your powers retroactively ensures you never existed. No one even remembers you. Without anybody to challenge me, I take over the world.

6:40 pm Andrew

except i already knew the answer and changed it based upon my wishes. thus its not backlash but sheer awesomness that you see. which in turn whipes your mind. and when you wake you remeber nothing of this...

something tells me this could make a ridiculsly awesome story

6:40 pm Seth

That's what you want to believe, but sadly it is not the case. I predicted you would switch the numbers, so I switched them first.

And yes, yes it could.

6:41 pm Andrew

oh but knowing you wer going to switched them i switched them before you could switch them before i could switch them

6:42 pm Seth

I knew you would do that. I also knew that the third time the numbers are switched, the one who switched them would be possessed by an extradimensional warp beast and dragged into the Big Bang. You played into my hands.

6:44 pm Seth

Bwa haha!

6:45 pm Andrew

knowing that would happen i created a clone of me that switched the #'s and once the beast possed him i blew up an antimatter daemon destroying bomb that i had created inside my clone. and then detonated a similar bomb in you. which i had teleported their only seconds before you first challenged my epicness

thus ending perhaps the most awesome battle that never happend

6:47 pm Seth

Wrong again. I knew you would do that, so I rearranged my DNA so that the energy of the bomb would only make me even more powerful than before. You, believing I was dead, did not even see me when I snuck up behind you and shock you in the head.

With a lightning bolt.

Forged by Zeus.***

6:47 pm Andrew

except bing the trancended ultimate power of he univers i have no head

oh and i'm zues's daddy

6:48 pm Seth

No you wasted the ultimate force of the universe on your clone remember?

6:48 pm Andrew

(not the titan that he killed but his reall father)

6:48 pm Seth

And he's dead

6:48 pm Andrew

the ultimate force is impossible to exaust

6:49 pm Seth

It turns out that since I'm your archnemesis, I was blessed with the antithesis of the ultimate force, making me your equal and opposite in every way. You did not suspect this and I obliterate you.

6:50 pm Andrew

except by being my equal and exact oppisite you cannot defeat me and even if it were possible my death would create utter nothingness and would result in your demise too

6:51 pm Seth

Sadly wrong. I transferred my consciousness into every sentient being in the omniverse. I will never truly die.

6:52 pm Andrew

growing tired of this skirmish i instate an ultimate freeze of time and space. rendering both of us incapable of doing anything else. I then create my own personal universe w/in my mind. you do the same and we continue our respective fights were we both win

thus both of us win and both of us lose however neither are aware of eachothers outcomes



6:54 pm Seth

I just thought I'd throw it out there that my universe is totally awesome.

6:54 pm Andrew



Yours on the other hand...

6:54 pm Andrew

you have no idea how awesome mine is

because u can't c it

but trust me mines better

anyways new topic that doesn't involve long debates...

6:55 pm Seth

I'm copy and pasting this.


Spelling errors were allowed to stay for posterity's sake.

*-This was intentional, just so you know.

**-This is sort of a running joke. Every Mad Scientist has a beautiful daughter who betrays them for the Action Science Hero nemesis of the Mad Scientist.

***-Yes, everyone knows it is actually Hephaestus who forges Zeus's lightning bolts, but it took too long to type. I'm lazy and proud of it.

1 comment:

  1. That was the best 5 minutes I've ever wasted! Nice monolog...yes, I know you were just talking to your alternate personality.
